Cassata is celebrating
50 Years
of Education, Excellence and Community

Our volunteers are a true blessing to Cassata. When staff time and resources can only go so far, volunteers step up to help our mission go even further. We have been fortunate to have volunteer support from Good Shephard Catholic Community, Junior League of Fort Worth, and Junior Achievement, among many caring organizations, tutors and mentors.
Would you like to get involved with our mission? Here are some ways to help:
Tutoring: Provide crucial help to students struggling in reading, writing and math by becoming an on-site tutor.
Group projects: Help update our school; beautify the grounds; organize our Cassata Closet; among many other tasks. If you have a group that can help, please let us know.
School store: Help organize uniforms, supplies, and other school-related items on an on-going basis.
Administrative help: Assist our staff with data entry, organizing, or filing.
Event assistance: Volunteer to help with our graduation breakfasts, open house, or Noche de Gracias fundraising event.
For more information, please contact the school office at 817.926.1745 or