By donating today, you help Cassata support students in need, regardless of financial circumstance and ability to pay full tuition. At most private schools, tuition covers 90% of operating expenses that include computers, books and teachers’ salaries. At Cassata, tuition covers only 30% of these expenses. Your gift allows Cassata to close this annual tuition gap.
There are other ways to support Cassata financially. Ask your company whether they do matching gifts. Designate your funds for Cassata’s endowment for long-term support. Include Cassata in your will or planned giving. Give a gift as an honorarium or memorial to someone. Donate items from our wish list.
Questions? Please contact Ms. Dalina Dennis at 817-926-1745 or for further information.
Cassata Catholic High School is a 501(c)3 nonprofit organization. Charitable gifts are tax-deductible. Please consult your tax advisor.